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An Opportunity for Healing - Azana Photo Frames

An Opportunity for Healing

October marks Baby Loss Awareness week -

a chance for those who have lost babies to stillbirth, miscarriage or early death to share their memories, knowing that other parents and loved ones across the world are doing the same. It is also a chance for people to show their support to these families and to raise awareness. While this year’s week may have passed, the support still remains.

Baby Born Sleeping Stars Personalised Photo Frame OakThe baby loss awareness website is the ultimate source of support and information for anyone affected and it provides case studies and stories from those who have lost their precious child or relative. But they are also working toward change and improvement in the way that families are encouraged to deal with this loss and to improve the chances for babies in the future.

Support and care

What they recognise is the baby loss is often a taboo subject and many parents feel they must carry on without recognising the effect their loss has had on them. The baby loss charity  want the wider public to understand that breaking this silence will actually help families to get over their heartbreak and to build positive memories.


As well as helping families to cope with their loss, they also encourage awareness of the signs that something may be wrong in your pregnancy and to ensure that all parents are aware of best practices with regards to sudden infant death. Knowing the risks may help to mitigate them.

The Baby Loss Awareness organisation recommend that you wear one of their ribbon pins to show your support and to find an event in your area that you can attend and feel the support of others. You can even organise your own event for next year to give you a wonderful sense of achievement, despite your loss.

Doing our bit

While a simple photo may never take away the pain, it can become a focus for your memories and help you down that path to healing. Here at Azana, we hope that we are doing our bit to provide a little support and comfort to those families affected. Our beautiful frames are inscribed with loving messages to allow bereaved families the chance to remember their precious child. Our frames are suitable for baby photos or scan photos - allowing all parents the chance to commemorate their child.

Personalised Baby Infant Child Angel Wings Memorial Photo Frame, Beech 12 x 10

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