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Only £3.95 on all orders including multiple items or spend over £60 free shipping!
Only £3.95 on all orders including multiple items or spend over £60 free shipping!
Only £3.95 on all orders including multiple items or spend over £60 free shipping!
Cancer awareness - remembering our loved ones
Almost all of us will have been affected by cancer at some point in our lives. Whether we have fought the disease ourselves, or watched loved ones suffer and even pass away due to the disease, it is an illness that we wish didn’t exist. Various charities work tirelessly to highlight cancer and across this next two months there are a number of special awareness campaigns taking place that can help us to remember lost ones and to support research.
Awareness campaigns
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Blue September (for prostate cancer awareness) and Blood Cancer Awareness Month. The 15th of September is World Lymphoma Day and 18th September sess the start of European Head and Neck Cancer Week. The month culminates with the Macmillian Cancer Support “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning” on 29 September and finally, Breast Cancer Awareness month takes place in October with various events throughout the month.
While much of the focus for the organisers will be on raising funds for their important research into cures for these cancers, it is a time when those affected think about the people they have lost. Here at Azana, we like to help our customers to do something tangible that will help to build precious memories of those lost to cancer.
A gift of memories
Our variety of memorial photo frames, gives you the chance to both celebrate and cherish your loved ones after they have gone. With your own details inscribed on the frame, you have a long lasting memory that will will always provide a smile. But just as awareness days allow us to remember those we have lost, they also give us a chance to celebrate and build on successes.
So you may also wish to build a collection of photos that shows triumphs over cancer and can show a positive outcome for both the survivor and the family. With inspirational messages that indicate the strength of everyone involved, you may just help them to rebuild their lives, one piece at a time.
We all do what we can to support those with cancer and their families - including creating living memories and memorials. While we cannot bring back those we have lost, we can help to cement the person in the minds of the entire family. And by helping the charities we have mentioned above, we can all play a part in the hopeful future eradication of cancer for good.