Butterfly Silhouette Picture Mount
This Butterfly Silhouette Picture Mount, the shape of a fluttering insect in precision cut out for your craft making project using your own material.
MOUNT - Single white
Material ideas - (not supply)
Newspaper article
Upholstery fabric
wallpaper samples
Page of a book, magazine, comic etc
MOUNT SIZE - overall
16 x 12 inch - (40.64 x 30.48 cm)
14 x 11 inch - (35.56 x 27.94 cm)
12 x 10 inch - (30.48 x 25.40 cm)
Pack of 2 single white mounts and comes in clear cellophane to keep it clean.
Butterfly cut to size
Frame, 12 x 10 - shape cut to size, 9.5 x 7.2 inches
Frame, 14 x 11 - shape cut to size, 11 x 8.3 inch
Frame, 16 x 12 - shape cut to size, 12.6 x 9.5 inch
The frame is the same size as the overall mount size.